Fishing for Trout, Char, & Grayling
In Katmai National Park
Rainbow trout fishing in Katmai
Rainbow trout fishing in the Katmai area can be excellent all summer, with many streams holding prolific numbers of rainbow trout.
The rainbow trout of Alaska are fish of legend. The Naknek River and streams of the surrounding Katmai National Park area offer some of the best Alaska rainbow trout fishing in the world. Our lodge Katmai B&B is located on the Naknek River and very close to other famous rivers and streams of Katmai. Accordingly, many of our guests enjoy the thrill of chasing rainbow trout and do so while walk-wade fly-fishing.
Arctic Grayling in Katmai National park
Widely present through the Bristol Bay region, char have proven to be one of our favorite fish! Dolly varden and Arctic char are common in the sub-arctic waters accessible from King Salmon.
Double-digit fish days are possible on some of our favorite streams, and anglers can catch dozens of char in the 18-28 inch range during a single day of fishing. But char afford our guests much more than a high-volume angling opportunity; they symbolize the far north and a memorable part of the Alaska fishing experience.
Char Fishing in Katmai
The Arctic grayling comes in various colors; coloration can vary from stream to stream. Their dorsal fins are typically fringed in red and dotted with large iridescent red, aqua, or purple spots and markings. These colorful markings are most dramatic on large grayling. Arctic graylings’ backs are usually dark. Their sides can be black, silver, gold, or blue. Our head Guide holds a Trophy Fish Catch and Release record recognized by Alaska Fish and Game and will ensure you have the best opportunity for Trophy Grayling. Most of the ones we catch are in the 10-18 inch and 2-4 lbs range.